Copper Mineral
How Important Is This For Us ?

Copper Mineral is necessary for all higher forms of plants and animals and it is absolutely essential for our human health...

Our bodies use this mineral for normal growth and development...

It is present in all our bodily tissues...

It helps our bodies to absorb iron and aids in the proper growth of our cells and tissues.

This mineral also helps slow our aging process...

And it increases the energy production within our bodies...

Copper assists with our heart rhythms and red blood cell formation...our thyroid gland maintance, arthritis, wound healing, and keeps our cholesterol level...

It also enhances our metabolic processes...

But since the copper mineral is not produced by our bodies, it must be replenished everyday..

Either thru our diet or by adding a mineral supplement...Vitamin Shops

This mineral is carried throughout the body by proteins and plasma...

It is also a cofactor in many other enzymatic reactions...that take place within our bodies every second of every day.

There are more than 50 enzymes that function properly because of this mineral...

And as a strong antioxidant, copper helps to safeguard the cell membranes from the damaging effects of free radicals...

It safeguards our cells in the production of the connective tissuea, and protects the myelin sheath surrounding our nerves..

Copper acts as a brain stimulant and helps to control our brains functioning...

It is anti-inflammatory, aiding in the reduction of arthritic symptoms...

It also increases our energy production, and the development of red blood cells, and bone tissues.

As an immunity booster, copper has the important role of wound healing...

And it also helps in the creation of good chloresterol.

This mineral is present in many food sources including...

Beans, whole grains, soy flour, wheat bran, almonds, lentils, avocados, barley, nuts, and oats...

Avacodos, beets, and blackstrap molasses.

You can also absorb copper by drinking water coming from copper pipes or the use of copper bottom cookware.

This mineral is another of the vital Keys to our Families Health...

And during those times when you aren't getting enough copper in your diet, you can always find the right amount here at Family Vitamin Stores..

Now here is the Iodine Mineral
